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Friday, May 4, 2012

Store and Retrieve Image in MYSQL Database using Binary Data

Follow the instruction and you may not get an error.

Do this:
>> Go to MySQL Administrator  >> Startup Variable >> Advanced Networking  >>
Change Max. Pocket Size to 4M or 16M  >> Apply Changes >> Exit.

1. Create a table in your MYSQL Database

Database name: "photo"
Table name: "tblpicture"

Fields name and type:

>> "Picture"  as  LONG BLOB    'where you can save the Image using Binary Data

>> "Picturesize" as Integer    'where you can save the File Size of the Image

>> "ID" as Number , check Autoincrement

2. Then Go to Your Visual Basic 6.0

>>You Need:

Two Modules , One Form and One Picture in your Folder name "No Picture.jpg"

>> In your Form you need two "Image"  , Stretch = True

Name: "Image2" and "Image3"

>> three "Command Buttons"

Name: "cmdUpload" and "cmdSave" and "cmdRetrieve"

>>One "CommonDialog"

Name: "CommonDialog1"

3. Code  (Form) >> Copy/Paste


Option Explicit
Dim picdialog As Integer
Dim PictureFileName As String

Private Sub cmdUpload_Click()
    'For Browsing Pictures

    On Error GoTo errhandler
    CommonDialog1.CancelError = True

    CommonDialog1.Filter = "All Picture Files|*.jpg;*.gif;*.bmp;*.wmf;*.ico|JPEG Images(*.jpg)|*.jpg|Bitmap Images (*.bmp)|*.bmp|Word Meta Files (*.wmf)|*.wmf|GIF Images (*.gif)|*.gif"
    CommonDialog1.DialogTitle = "Insert Picture"

            picdialog = 2
            Image2.Visible = True
            Image2.Picture = LoadPicture(CommonDialog1.filename)
            PictureFileName = CommonDialog1.filename
            If Image2.Picture = Picture Then
                Image3.Visible = True
                Image3.Visible = False
            End If

Exit Sub
    Select Case Err
    Case 32755 '  Dialog Cancelled
        MsgBox "you cancelled the dialog box"
    Case Else
        MsgBox "Unexpected error. Err " & Err & " : " & Error
    End Select
End Sub

Private Sub cmdSave_Click()
    With rsPhoto

      If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to save picture?", vbQuestion + vbYesNo, "Save") = vbYes Then
                            If picdialog = 1 Then
                                CommonDialog1.filename = App.Path & "\No Picture.jpg"
                                GetPhoto CommonDialog1.filename, rsPhoto, "Picture", "Picturesize"
                            ElseIf picdialog = 2 Then
                                If Not IsNull(CommonDialog1.filename) Then GetPhoto CommonDialog1.filename, rsPhoto, "Picture", "Picturesize"
                            End If
                    MsgBox "Record Save", vbInformation, "Save"
                    Image3.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\No Picture.jpg")
                    Image2.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\No Picture.jpg")
                    Image2.Visible = False
                    Image3.Visible = True
       End If
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub cmdRetrieve_Click()

        Image3.Visible = False
        Image2.Visible = True
        If Not IsNull(rsPhoto!Picture) Then FillPhoto rsPhoto, "Picture", "Picturesize", Image2 Else: Image3.Visible = True

End Sub

Private Sub Form_Load()
    picdialog = 1
    Image2.Visible = False
    Openrecordset ("Select * from tblpicture")
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer)
    Set rsPhoto = Nothing
End Sub

4. Module (Name: "ADOConnection") >> Copy/Paste

Global con As New ADODB.Connection
Global conn As New ADODB.Connection
Global rsPhoto As New ADODB.Recordset
Global imsConnectionString As String

Public Sub main()
    On Error Resume Next

        imsConnectionString = "Driver={MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver};Server=localhost;Database=Photo;User='root';Password=''"
        con.ConnectionString = imsConnectionString

    Debug.Print "Connection Object Created"


        If con.State = adStateClosed Then
            MsgBox "Unable to connect to database", vbCritical
            Exit Sub
        End If
    con.CursorLocation = adUseClient
End Sub

Public Sub CloseConnection()
    Set con = Nothing
End Sub

Public Function Openrecordset(YourQuery As String)
    If rsPhoto.State = 0 Then rsPhoto.Open YourQuery, con, adOpenDynamic, adLockOptimistic
End Function

Public Function Closerecordset()
    If rsPhoto.State = 1 Then rsPhoto.Close
End Function

5. Module (Name : "modGenDec") >> Copy/Paste

'Declaration for Save/Load Picture

Public StudentIDselect As String
Public costumerpic As IPictureDisp

Private Declare Function GetTempFileName Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTempFileNameA" (ByVal lpszPath As String, ByVal lpPrefixString As String, ByVal wUnique As Long, ByVal lpTempFileName As String) As Long
Private Declare Function GetTempPath Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetTempPathA" (ByVal nBufferLength As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String) As Long
Public Const MAX_PATH = 260
Public Const BLOCK_SIZE = 10000
Public frm2Show As String

Public Sub FillPhoto(rstMain As Recordset, PFName As String, SizeField As String, picEmp As Image)

On Error Resume Next
Dim bytes() As Byte
Dim file_name As String
Dim file_num As Integer
Dim file_length As Long
Dim num_blocks As Long
Dim left_over As Long
Dim block_num As Long
Dim hgt As Single

    'me.imgPhoto.Visible = False
    Screen.MousePointer = vbHourglass

    ' Get a temporary file name.
    file_name = TemporaryFileName()

    ' Open the file.
    file_num = FreeFile
    Open file_name For Binary As #file_num

    ' Copy the data into the file.
    file_length = rstMain(SizeField)
    num_blocks = file_length / BLOCK_SIZE
    left_over = file_length Mod BLOCK_SIZE

    For block_num = 1 To num_blocks
        bytes() = rstMain(PFName).GetChunk(BLOCK_SIZE)
        Put #file_num, , bytes()
    Next block_num

    If left_over > 0 Then
        bytes() = rstMain(PFName).GetChunk(left_over)
        Put #file_num, , bytes()
    End If

    Close #file_num

    picEmp.Picture = LoadPicture(file_name)

    Screen.MousePointer = vbDefault

End Sub

Public Sub GetPhoto(filename As String, rstMain As Recordset, FieldName As String, SizeField As String)
On Error Resume Next
Dim file_num As String
Dim file_length As Long
Dim bytes() As Byte
Dim num_blocks As Long
Dim left_over As Long
Dim block_num As Long

    file_num = FreeFile
    Open filename For Binary Access Read As #file_num

    file_length = LOF(file_num)
    If file_length > 0 Then
        num_blocks = file_length / BLOCK_SIZE
        left_over = file_length Mod BLOCK_SIZE

        rstMain(SizeField) = file_length

        ReDim bytes(BLOCK_SIZE)
        For block_num = 1 To num_blocks
            Get #file_num, , bytes()
            rstMain(FieldName).AppendChunk bytes()
        Next block_num

        If left_over > 0 Then
            ReDim bytes(left_over)
            Get #file_num, , bytes()
            rstMain(FieldName).AppendChunk bytes()
        End If

        Close #file_num
    End If
Exit Sub
End Sub

Public Function TemporaryFileName() As String
Dim temp_path As String
Dim temp_file As String
Dim Length As Long

    ' Get the temporary file path.
    temp_path = VBA.Space$(MAX_PATH)
    Length = GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, temp_path)
    temp_path = Left$(temp_path, Length)

    ' Get the file name.
    temp_file = VBA.Space$(MAX_PATH)
    GetTempFileName temp_path, "per", 0, temp_file
    TemporaryFileName = Left$(temp_file, InStr(temp_file, VBA.Chr$(0)) - 1)
End Function

>> In your "Project Explorer" right side of your window screen,then "Project Property" Right click
 set the "Startup Object" to "Sub Main" then Run your Program

>> In the "cmdRetrieve_Click()" you can now use your "LOGIC" to retrieve the picture you want :)


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